App for managing pick-up and drop-off logistics for Schools.

Latest Version

Sep 22, 2018
Google Play ID

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Scool is Edvenswa’s app for parents and staff from Schools, for managing and tracking the day-to-day pick-up and drop-off schedules and logistics of the children. Scool app works on web, tablets, and mobiles. Using Scool app,

Parents :
1. Will be able to register their children and provide details;
2. Will be able to set the transport modes (School Bus/Car Pool/Self-pickup) for their children for the entire calendar year.
3. Will be able to change the transport mode between school bus, car-pool and self-pickup modes and communicate with the school admin/staff, receive notifications about bus departures and delays if any;

School Staff :
1. Will be able to see parent’s requests for change in transport mode for the day
2. Assigning Students to a Bus/Carpool/Parent’s car and complete the boarding of children into the correct Bus or Car-pools.

School Admin :
1. Gets to manage all the daily boarding for buses and car-pools from dashboard.
2. Gets to communicate with parents - send to and receive notifications from parents about the changes/delays, etc.
3. Calendar and routes/transport modes of all the students for the entire calendar year.
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