An initiative to bridge the gap between the recruiter and developer.

Latest Version

Nov 27, 2020
Google Play ID

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goDev APP

GoDev Developer Community
Together we Build, Together we Grow.

This app is an initiative to bridge the gap between the recruiter and developer by serving as a portal where you can post your ideas and apply for others' too. In this app the user can post their ideas and call upon fellow developers to collaborate with them and build something together. It also gives a platform to pick the right team to win a hackathon or an event.

In today’s world it is very necessary to showcase the talents you own. As a developer we do that by building projects and contributing to solving issues that bug us. Having a brilliant project in your resume also gives you an extra edge over the other candidates in your interviews for internships and placements too.

But, sometimes it is not easy to build a project on your own from scratch. You might face some difficulties and problems due to lack of exposure and experience. May be you need some guidance from some person who may be has done something of that sort earlier. Also, even if we might have an excellent idea but we still need a hardworking team that would turn that mere idea into something inexplicable.

goDev is a platform to showcase your talents as a developer. We bring to you a (meeting place) where you can meet and interact with other developers out there, and even work on projects with them. You can post your events and ideas, recruit developers and also apply for the same on your fellow developer’s post. We also call for the recruiters who want to grow as an entrepreneur by kicking off their start ups and are in the search of the right team to make the dreams come true. You can directly pick developers by viewing their profile and messaging them on their social handles..

If you're also a developer or like to share your ideas, we would love to hear you out :)

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