God Seeker APP
The God Seeker does not make any preliminary decisions, it invites us to make our own discoveries and reflections. It is divided into four areas: God, soul, world and world interpretation. If you click on a segment, further segments (questions) open up. You can «unscrew» them on a wheel. By double-clicking on a question you get a short introductory text, videos of individual philosophers and other philosophical positions appropriate to the question.
You can also test your philosophical knowledge. Check your philosophical positions by means of the quiz! Which philosophers do you agree with the most? Are you more the Plato type, or do you think more like Kant, or even maybe like Wittgenstein? You might also discover a thinker you didn't know, such as Edith Stein or Alfred N. Whitehead. Expand your philosophical horizon. Whatever you decide in the end, the God Seeker will help you to give good reasons for your choice.
The God Seeker is primarily intended for tablets, but works also on larger smartphones.