Go-Antiquing APP
Stores-By-State (Store Information and Directions):
Provides a complete listing of participating antique stores by State and then by City. Here, you can view our whole network of stores and then save your Favorites for future reference. Individual antique store information provided includes: Name, Logo or store picture, Store Information, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number,Driving Directionsas well as Operating Hours,Email address, website and Facebook page, as available.
Go-Antiquing has also added a number of valuable, mobile-driving features that will help you find participating antique storeswhile traveling in your vehicle.These features include:
Vicinity Search:
Provides a list of participating antique stores within a specified distance of your current location. The results are provided either alphabetically or by distance.
Destination Search:
Provides a list of participating antique stores in the vicinity of a provided location (city and state) either alphabetically or by distance from the specified geographic location. Users can also limit the search distance from the target location in miles or kilometers.
Route Search:
Provides a list of participating antique stores within a specified distance (miles or km) of the route you are driving in order of occurrence.