Gifwijzer APP
True: poisonous substances can be found in every household. And that is a serious danger, especially for young children. Things that seem harmless can also be very harmful. Detergent for example, but also paracetamol, toilet freshener or certain plants.
With the Gifwijzer you discover which toxic substances you have in your home. The app contains 149 substances and plants with an indication of toxicity and advice on what to do if things go wrong. The Poison Guide also provides advice on how to prevent accidents.
The app has been specially developed for parents with young children.
The content has been compiled by, among others, VeiligheidNL, toxicologist Dr. E.J.M Pennings, The Red Cross and The Orange Cross.
Medical disclaimer:
The information in this app is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a doctor in addition to using this app and before making any medical decisions. Never ignore professional medical advice when seeking treatment because of information you have read in this app. Always call the doctor (enpost) or 112 immediately when in doubt about a medical emergency.