GiftyMe APP
In the GiftyMe app Vero cafe, Čili, Charlie pizza, CoffeeInn, Forum cinemas, The Body Shop, Statoil, Narvesen and many other brands are available with more than 400 locations to pick the gift across Lithuania and Latvia.
It is very easy: choose what to send, choose the recipient from your phone contacts, add wishes, choose your preferable payment method and in a few seconds the recipient will enjoy your surprise. The gift code with your wishes will be sent in an SMS or email. Your friend is free to pick your gift at any location of the brand.
You can pay with a Credit card, PayPal, direct banking or using operator billing.
Gifts in the GiftyMe costs the same as at the venue. SMS sending is free of charge. If you pay with a credit card or PayPal small difference in price possible due the currency conversion rate.