gibgas CNG Europe APP
The data has all important information about addresses, opening hours, telefone numbers, prices, payment methods, gas qualities and much more for all CNG stations.
+ unlimited mobility within Europe 3.000+ CNG stations from 33 countries
+ all infos are available on- and offline (search for stations abroad possible without Internet)
+ radius search and search for city, zip, street, motorway and geoposition
+ routeplanning for display of CNG-Stations alongside your route
+ CNG-Stations in routes feature display of distance and CNG price
+ routes can be saved and thus are usable offline
+ navigation to the selected CNG station per fingertipp with the navigation app of your choice
+ always informed of CNG station status: 365 days, !24-hours top service thanks to an intelligent reporting system, shown by the !24-hours icon in the record
+ simple price and status messages - this is how you can contribute
+ multiple filter functions: gas quality, opening hours, broken stations, biomethan, CNG fule card and more
+ Promotion-Icon shown at CNG stations, that have special promotions
+ App multilingual (de, en, es, fr, it), for UI as well as data itself (i.e. opening hours etc.)