Federal law, state law & European law for law studies and legal clerkship

Latest Version

Jan 12, 2025
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gesetze.io - Jura digital APP

gesetze.io is the digital companion of every modern lawyer. Regardless of whether you are studying law or legal clerkship, as a lawyer, judge, public prosecutor or in administration: We give you laws, law and careers in one app.

The app contains the most important laws for law studies, legal clerkship and legal practice. The laws are continuously updated so that you are always up to date and never have to re-sort.

Federal law
Over 300 laws from the federal law of the Federal Republic of Germany, including among others:

- civil law (BGB, EGBGB, AGG, ProdHG, ZPO, ArbGG, KSchG, BetrVG, HGB, GmbHG, AktG, UmwG, FamFG, GVG, GKG, InsO, etc. .)
- Criminal law (StGB, StPO, JGG, BtMG, OWiG, etc.)
- Public Law (GG, BVerfGG, GO BReg, BTGO, BRGO, PUAG, AbgG, BMinG, PartG, VwVfG, VwGO, VwVG, VwZG, VersammlG, AsylG, AufenthG , BauGB, BauNVO, SGB I-XII, BImSchG etc.)

State law
For all 16 federal states the most important state laws for studies, legal clerkship and practice (compilation varies depending on the federal state):

- Vw organization / procedure (e.g. LVwVfG, LVwZG, LVwVG, VwOrgG / LOG, AGVwGO)
- Local law (e.g. GemO / GO, LKrO, KAG, KWahlG)
- Construction law (e.g. BauO / LBO, DVOen)
- Police law (e.g. PolG / PAG / POG, DVOen, VersammlG)

European law
The most important standards from EU primary and secondary law, including:

- Primary law: EUV, TFEU, EU-GRC
- Secondary law: Rome Regulation, GDPR, freedom of movement law, company law etc.

It also contains a number of other legal provisions, e.g. from Professional Law (BRAO, BORA, FAO) and International Law (ECHR).

Notes & Marks
Create personal notes and markups for individual standards and synchronize them across all of your devices. So you always have "your law" with you.

Definitions, schemes, disputes and much more
The app contains a variety of legal content for studies and legal clerkship. The content is docked directly to the respective standards so that you can find them where you need them. More content is being added on an ongoing basis.

Brief file
With the hand file feature you can put together your own collection of standards. So you have all the relevant laws from the various laws at a glance on one screen and you no longer have to laboriously scroll back and forth.

Web App
Our app is not only available for mobile devices, but also as a web app. At https://gesetze.io you have access to all laws that are also contained in the app. There you can even mark text passages, compile your own files and share them with others (e.g. your study group or colleagues) via a link.

Plan your career
The app contains detailed profiles of our career partners. In the office profiles you can find out about possibilities for an internship, a scientific part-time job during a doctorate or legal clerkship, as well as starting your career. In addition, job advertisements and events from our partners are listed directly.
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