geoForm is a data collection tool.

Latest Version

Jul 16, 2024

App APKs

geoForm APP

You need to have an account on one of our servers to use this app.

Version 4.1.10_3:

Major upgrade because of breaking changes in Android 11.

This new version stores all its files in the scoped "app-specific" storage under sdcard/Android/data/com.itgisworx.geoform/files/geoform . If you are running Android 10 or lower, you can access this folder and it will be possible to copy all your existing files there and the app should just load them as normal. However, if you are running Android 11, there is NO WAY to access that Android/data folder and you will NOT be able to use a file manager to copy the files there. So basically, an install on Android 11 is now a clean install, starting from scratch.

If you have your offline storage path set to somewhere else it may continue to work but won't be adding newly downloaded layers there anymore, they'll go in the Android/data folder. So when you upgrade to this version, please go change that path setting to reflect the new path, for now. This setting will be removed in a later version.

What's new:
Lock View button on map: You can pan or zoom the map away from your location (or disable location and then pan away.) Press lock view button. If you close the phone screen and open again, the app will not move the map back to your current location if Lock View is on. You can switch it off by clicking the button again, and press the GPS button (at the bottom) to move back to your location.
Reset Rotation to North button: You can now rotate the map view by turning the map with two fingers. Reset map orientation by clicking the button.
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