Gen-Q Smart APP
Quranic is interpreted as an effort to create a generation that truly has the thoughts, behavior, nature, and character of the Qur'an as the best curriculum in human life to achieve happiness and success in the world and the hereafter.
Meanwhile, International Insight is a hope that these students have international, broad, and global insight which is currently being implemented with the opening of International classes through the ICP program or International Class Program.
As an educational program that is directed, measurable, and sustainable in an effort to realize the generation of the Koran, the Genq application has been created to control and measure the achievement of prayers, recitations of the Koran, and several other activities for students and school residents. Thus, the hope of making children pray without being asked, accustomed to reading the Koran, fond of giving infaq, and other good habits will become a special character for all.
This program will be maximally successful if there is cooperation between students, parents, teachers, and schools. Therefore honesty in filling will result in their goodness, blessings, and future success. WL...