Gematria Calculator APP
Gematria Calculator does not only have English methods but also for Hebrew Gematria methods.
GUI is clear, simple, and easy to use. at any time you can launch a web search directly from Gematria Calculator.
When you enter two words or phrases that have the same gematria value 'Matches detector' will tell you about that with sound and colors (Matches detector can be disabled). Also, you have a comparing system that lets you compare your input to common inputs from our database or to the Bible(in Hebrew only). It's not just calculator words you can give a number and get a list of words equal to that number.
Full support in English and Hebrew.
Normal English
English (Ordinal)
Normal Hebrew
Hebrew (Ordinal)
Hebrew (Zeros remove)
Hebrew (Small Gematria)
----- = - = - = - Featured Comments - = - = - = - = ------
* Gomes Frut on Jan 22, 2014 at 3:33 PM
The app has a very nice look and easy to use.
* shola david on Jan 19, 2014 at 3:50 PM
* useful app I really recommend it above all the others.
If you have an idea, complaint, or a request please inform me by email.
Thank you for using Gematria Calculator!