Gear 360 File Access & Stitche APP
As the official Samsung app is not working on Android 11, this solution is a workaround to continue using Gear 360 with Android mobile phone.
This application requires:
1. To install the http server on the camera
2. To run the camera in Street View (OSC) mode
Please see the detailed instructions on my Github repository for installation and connection. URL to Github repo:
The http server on camera will serve the files on OSC (Streetview mode) And the android application will access the files, copy them to the phone.
This application also stitches the images and videos to photosphere (360 panorama) format on user request (STITCH function)
After the stitch operation, metadata for identification of the files as 360 degree panorama is also injected to the jpg and mp4 files.
All images & videos copied from the camera are copied and saved on the phone's external storage Gear360 folder. If stitching function is used, the stitched files are also saved on the same folder.
Video stitching takes a long time.