Genes Diffusion Mobile: consultation tool and decision support for AI.

Latest Version

Nov 13, 2024

App APKs

GD Mobile APP

From your Android, access the functionalities of Genoa Mobile Broadcast everywhere fingertips confidentially and simplicity. Genes Diffusion The mobile application allows:

· Consult bulls index with graphical representation that allows to quickly visualize the qualities of a bull.

· Consult its Fidel'IA points.

· Consult his stock of doses per bull by distinguishing the type of doses (conventional, sexed female ....).

· Consult and / or download his last 12 bills.

· Easily trigger the passage of the inseminator you. This option is available "with or without details." In detail, it will allow you, for example, to request a particular bull, a specific type of dose, leave a message for the passage of the inseminator.

· Ensure that a female has a high probability of fertilizing on the heat observed by cross analysis of all information known about the female.

The application is free for all Genes Diffusion producers. It requires a password and login information for your livestock. To get them or for further information, contact us at the following address: or 03 27 99 29 29.
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