GD Mobile APP
· Consult bulls index with graphical representation that allows to quickly visualize the qualities of a bull.
· Consult its Fidel'IA points.
· Consult his stock of doses per bull by distinguishing the type of doses (conventional, sexed female ....).
· Consult and / or download his last 12 bills.
· Easily trigger the passage of the inseminator you. This option is available "with or without details." In detail, it will allow you, for example, to request a particular bull, a specific type of dose, leave a message for the passage of the inseminator.
· Ensure that a female has a high probability of fertilizing on the heat observed by cross analysis of all information known about the female.
The application is free for all Genes Diffusion producers. It requires a password and login information for your livestock. To get them or for further information, contact us at the following address: or 03 27 99 29 29.