My two and half year old son and I sat down the other night and made a game together (it took probably about two hours or so for the whole process). He told me what he wanted the game to do: "A baby in a blue car drives to colors and the red car says what color." He also picked out the colors used very specifically. Blue tires, red tires, and blue, red, yellow, purple, and pink color splotches -- fun stuff. Everything is hand drawn using a tablet and Photoshop (I did the drawing, but he told me what to draw). He also named the game him self, Game-A (pronounced gaim ah).
Just use your finger (or thumb) to move the blue car and the red car will say which color you touched. My son also found out you can play peek-a-boo with the blue car and speech bubble after you touch a color (a happy coincidence). You can also hide the red car by parking in front of it (another happy coincidence).
It was fun to do and we wanted to share this game with you. I hope those who play it enjoy it.