Game 56 GAME
a. The game is played with two decks.
b. From each deck - 6 cards of each suit - making up a total of 48 cards
c. The cards in descending order of power (with points in brackets) - Jack (3), Nine (2), Ace (1), Ten (0), King (0), Queen (0)
d. Bidding starts from 28 all the way to 56. Honors bid is 40 or above.
e. The person making the highest bid decides the trump.
f. The person next to the dealer starts both the bidding and the game play.
g. Players need to follow suit for each of the tricks. When they don't have the lead suit, they can ruff it with the trump (which is opened when someone asks for it).
h. Since the game is played with two decks, the same card played first is higher than the card played second. For example, if Player 2 plays a Jack of Club on a club lead and Player 5 plays another Jack of Club, Player 2 wins the trick.
i. The bidder can bid for Court call when he has at least two tricks left and has to lead the next trick.