Galen Office APP
- Practice Management: Patient details are centrally stored from the first encounter and can be updated in real-time. The multi-view calendar and scheduler perform a range of crucial functions, allowing easy booking, editing, viewing and canceling of appointments. With the file manager, all users can upload documents and attach them to a patient’s file.
- Electronic Health Records: Customizable and flexible medical records offering a number of robust decision support tools, such as interaction checker, immunisation decision support and lab results graphs.
- Billing and Claims: Comprehensive financial management with a dynamic dashboard and many on-demand reports. Along with proper coding capabilities, it facilitates accurate billing statements and automates claims submission.
- Reports and Analytics: Patient-related, administrative and financial data can be summarised and formed into convenient, easy-to-read and elegant reports. The exported documents can be personalised by adding the practice logos and contact information.
More information is available on the product's website: