G-number APP
This location code, also called G-number, is shorter and much easier to communicate and to remember than the latitude/longitude coordinates. Here are some examples of G-number:
2.A6GFR.AWT17 (Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt)
1.BLFP5.0KSIE (Statue of Liberty, USA)
2.15J3.46SY (Laquintinie Hospital, Cameroon)
3.AJF9O.B4QF6 (Mount Corcovado, Brasil)
1.CBJV4.GQE (Big Ben, London)
Use the G-number app to create a universal postcode for your home, place of work, business, monument, leisure site, or institution.
A G-number universally represents a unique location and is independent of any languages, cultures, or national considerations.
A G-number can be converted into latitude/longitude coordinates and vice versa.
As a home address it replaces both house number and postcode.
In a bank, you can provide your home G-number in place of the "localisation plan" because it universally localises where you live.
In an emergency situation, you can share your current location G-number with relatives and emergency services and they will find you straightaway.
The G-number app continuously displays your location G-number as you move about. It can also be used as Satellite Navigation (SatNav) system to guide you to a given destination, anywhere in the world.
You can calculate the G-number of any place on earth using key-words, latitude-longitude, postcode, or any postal address; and visualise them on a map as well as the route to from your current location and points of interests (POIs).