G-NetFace APP
Load two images and calculate similarity between faces. If an image contains several faces you can select which one to use for comparison.
How to use:
1. Load face 1 image.
2. Load face 2 image.
3. Press COMPARE FACES - similarity between faces is calculated. You can also see chart of the 128 face embeddings that neural network produces.
Load face image and search matching face in a folder of images.
How to use:
1. Load face image.
2. Select folder with images to be searched.
3. Press START - the selected face is compared with faces in images in selected folder and the results with similarity bigger than defined threshold in settings are shown.
How to use:
1. Create database - Open Menu - Database. Select images folder and database and press START. Images from selected folder are imported in selected database.
2. Open Menu - Database search. Select face image and database to search
3. Press START - the selected face is compared with faces in selected database and the results with similarity bigger than defined threshold in settings are shown.
- Folder search threshold - defines threshold which results to appear in FOLDER SEARCH. Faces with similarity bigger than this threshold will be shown.
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