G-Land Bobby`s Surf Camp APP
G-land is famous for its large and powerful surf, but there are waves of much less consequence that surfer’s have the option of playing with. Surfers from all corners of the globe have made their way to the Javanese jungle each year between March - November to sample G-Land's fantastic waves. The waves such as Kong, Moneytrees, Speedies, Launching Pad, Tiger Track, chicken, 20'-20', and etc. During these months the spot is rarely flat and there is a saying there - No swell in G-Land, no swell in Indonesia', It's a very special surfing destination of primitive beauty and perfect waves.
G-Land (Grajagan) is truly one of the worlds great waves, perfect mechanical barrelling waves, not a drop of water out of place - makes your mouth dry just thinking about it. If you are a keen on left handers what are you still doing reading this page - pack your bags.
G-Land Java is situated in a very large National Park, and is home to many different species of wild life including panther, leopard, monkeys, deer, reptiles and exotic birds. It is an amazing place and you really feel that you have made it off the beaton track.