Easy-to-use FX recording app

Latest Version

Nov 12, 2024

FXトレード記録 APP

This app is a diary-like app that records FX trades.
It is an application for looking back on your trades.

●●●Main Features●●●
・You can automatically calculate pips (setting required) by entering a new rate and settlement rate.
・Profit and loss can be automatically calculated (setting required) only for dollar-yen pairs.
*Please note that if you use an automatic calculation other than the dollar yen, it will not match.
- Reflection can be set and tallied automatically.
・You can set 5 levels of self-evaluation, and the total will be automatically calculated.
・You can choose the investment style for each trade. (Scal, date training, etc.)
・The percentage of wins and losses can be displayed in a pie chart.
・"Win rate", "Profit rate", and "Profit factor" can be automatically calculated for each day and month.
・You can customize currency pairs. (edit, add)
・In addition, many convenient functions are implemented.
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