Manga Productions presents FUTURE’S FOLKTALES HOPPER QUEST, an arcade runner inspired by the Saudi-Japanese series "Future's Folktales." Explore diverse worlds as you unlock all your favorite characters.✨
Key Features:
🔮Whimsical Gameplay:
Build a team of three and hop through diverse worlds, dodging obstacles!
⚡Special Abilities:
Unlock new characters with unique powers to overcome challenges.
🥇Endless Level Events:
Compete in timed daily challenges and climb global leaderboards.
Unlock your favorite characters, including Maha, Sultan, Rayan, and more characters.
📚 Grandma's Tales:
Learn valuable lessons and become part of the family’s story.
💎Missions and Achievements:
Collect badges, crystals, stars, and tickets as you advance deeper in the story.
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