fundzy APP
Who is Lion?
Lion is Systematic AI. It tries to help the user when the user feels or faces difficulty.
How does the Fundzy system work?
1. Lion shows some Captcha Images.
2. Users can try to solve the captcha.
3. If you can't solve the captcha, Lion tries to solve the captcha images.
4. After solving the captcha, Lion load and show the new Captcha image.
If you are a new user:
1. Click the NEW USER button.
2. Fill out the REQUIRED DETAILS: G-mail and create a new password for the Fundzy account.
3. Lion sends the Confirmation mail to the given G-mail id.
4. Fill out the Register form and Click SEND CODE to get OTP from the FUNDZY app. If you get OTP, enter the OTP and click VERIFY Button.
5. After Verification, click SUBMIT button.
If you are an old user:
1. Click the ALREADY REGISTER Button.
2. Fill out the Registered G-mail, password and username.
3. Lion verifies Entered Details. If you gave proper Details, Directly navigate to the MAINPAGE.
Extra options:
1. Users can delete their accounts from the database.
We need Some help:
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