Only enterprise users who have passed the standard review can display, ensuring that all pictures, videos and information of Supply&Demand are from the real information of the enterprise. Individual users can only browse, communicate and purchase, but cannot upload pictures,videos and informations. It is a formal and efficient tool which is bridging buyer and seller
Abundant source factories
This is the exhibition center of the source factory. It shows the appearance of the factory, the style of the enterprise, and the supply and demand of the enterprise. Abundant source factories are here to see.
Stereoscopic display of video
Enterprise users display factories and products through video one by one, and display supply and demand through pictures and text, so that users are able to comprehend the enterprise stereoscopically and cooperate with each other more safely
Real-time live
Enterprises can visualize their products or production lines to other enterprises through real-time live to realize cooperation and communication.
Communication between enterprises
Enterprises can search the upstream and the downstream enterprises through multiple labels such as region, enterprise name, industry, product and category. The contact information of enterprises is revealed intuitively which leading to the most effiecnt way of communication