Frifor APP
Also get information about allergens, additives, organic labeling, emv's ++.
Frifor's database contains information on most Norwegian grocery products.
By scanning the barcode of a product, you will gain access to the allergens, nutrients and e-substances it contains, as well as much more.
Norway and the EU have common requirements for allergy labeling which must meet consumers' needs for safe and health-friendly products.
Frifor has an overview of all the 14 most common allergy-causing ingredients (allergens) with which all products are required to be labeled.
It is not always easy to know what to look for in the table of contents when it comes to different types of allergies.
Frifor will help simplify shopping trips for you and your loved ones, as well as make you confident that the products you buy do not contain anything you cannot tolerate.
Full access to the app costs NOK 39 per month, or NOK 349 per year.
New users get a whole week free before anything has to be paid.
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