Frieling24 APP
The Frieling app gives you the opportunity to use the most important functions of our online shop anywhere and anytime. Call up your orders and offers while on the move, create orders or start navigating to the next location. The Frieling app offers you more flexibility. You can look forward to the following functions, among others:
- Items Search
- Item information
- Barcode scanner
- Fill shopping baskets & create order templates
- Receipt overview & receipt display
- Retrieval of orders
- Favorite lists
- Information & navigation to our locations
As a registered user of our online shop, you also have automatic access to our new app. Simply log in with your user data and you are ready to go.
You don't have a user account for our online shop yet? Then fill out our registration form now ( After the registration process has been completed, you can use the Frieling app.
Your opinion is important to us! That is why we are always happy to receive feedback, questions or suggestions to