The Fridn app is designed for active, motivated, and ambitious people

Latest Version

Aug 28, 2021
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Fridn APP

The Fridn app is designed for active, motivated, and ambitious people who see the importance of developing their bodies and minds and want to be healthy, successful, modern, well-off, and free to choose what to do in life.
Users of the Fridn app can get Fridn.Assets in exchange for performing useful activities aimed at personal development, both physical and intellectual, and raising the level of social responsibility.
All you need is to:
• download the Fridn app and register with the system
• connect your tracker and synchronize it with the app
• start your activities.
You can already receive rewards for walking, jogging, or posting interesting information in social media.
How it works:
• a recording device (tracker) registers activities you perform
• the mobile app receives data and sends them to the system for processing
• once the data verification is successful, you receive a reward.
The type of Fridn.Assets received in reward depends on the type of performed activities. The quantity of each type of Fridn.Assets is limited by the system’s algorithm; it gradually becomes more difficult to extract the assets, and their value is formed by Fridn participants.
All types of Fridn.Assets are self-sustained, independent, technologically secure, and easily exchangeable for other assets on Fridn.Exchange.
Need additional motivation? Download the Fridn app and start your own self-development startup while being rewarded for its implementation!
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