70+ Free online IQ tests and new tests are added all the time.

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Free IQ Tests with Real Aptitu GAME

More than 70 Free IQ test with over 2500 questions to try, and new test are added all the time. Pick the test of your choice from the menu, both timed and untimed tests are available.

You will always receive a result report with both raw score and IQ. Unlike most other free tests, many of our tests will give you valid results that are possible to certify and that can be used to join IQ communities with.

The tests are of type Spatial, Numerical and Verbal or Mixed. Just click the Test Info button to get more detailed information. All tests have score histogram curves that are regularly updated. If you do more than 3 tests, you will get a Real IQ calculation presented.

The tests at IQexams are done online, so you need to have an internet connection when doing them.

We use delayed emails to provide the score reports, the duration of the delays will depend on each tester's membership status. Testers can also pay to have a score report expedited to them immediately. The tests must be completed properly to be accepted and scored.

The IQ norms are set to be as realistic as possible. We are setting the norms by analyzing reported scores of various tests, the effort made on the tests, and the raw scores associated with different levels of cognitive ability. Reliability and statistical outliers will also be calculated and integrated into norming procedures, we also use pspp, z-values, excel to carefully calculate the norm.

Psychometric data and score histograms are provided for each test.

We appreciate that you are trying our tests. If you want to improve your results, the only hints we can give you are concentration and spending time (if the test is not timed). The tests are made to be difficult and most of us will fail on some items, it is normal, otherwise it would not be an IQ-test.

Do not involve personal feelings or prestige at IQ testing. Relax and feel good about yourself for what you are. Intellectual IQ talent is just one of many traits a human can have.
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