Framie App APP
Then, they just have to go to the locations, take pictures of the points of interest and "match" those pictures with the respective framies, to complete the adventure, as if it was a sticker album.
Upon completing the adventures, the users can also create and share collections of the pictures they have taken. All of this accompanied by a strong component of gamification, with rankings and medals! Something that encourages action in the real world and social interaction.
With Framie, users are able to instantly, simply and quickly access the tourism content of their interest and, simultaneously, create a logbook or personal photographic history of the sites they have visited. A gamification approach, which rewards users for their actions on the app, and a social approach, which allows them to search for other users, itineraries or picture collections, completes the experience of using the Framie app, increasing their satisfaction and sense of accomplishment and status ( Check in! Been there! Done that!).