Wifi Booster Pro is the best tool to analyze and accelerate your wifi connetion

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Mise à jour
20 janv. 2018

App APKs

Wifi Booster Pro APP

Wifi Booster Pro is the best tool to analyze and accelerate your wifi connetion

Wifi Booster Pro restarts your wireless connection , and then seeks to reconnect without problems ,

This application scan available wifis, and gives you the ability to accelerate wifi, rescan the wifi, connect / disconnect wifi manually.

and check the signal level and the frequency of all wifi detected .

Wifi Booster Pro is a great tool to manage your condition wifi connection ...

With GreatFreeApps always have fun

// soon : 11/2016 => new code & Design //

----------------- THIS MONTH ------------------

site : www.greatfreeapps.com
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