Recettes: Bloc-note de cuisine APP
In the application you can save your favorite recipes and illustrate them with a photo.
But it's more than just a notepad to write down recipes!
Want to try something new?
Built-in recipes at your service
created by our users.
Do you have many recipes among which it is easy to get lost?
Use the category filters, favorites or search function and the desired recipe will be easily found.
Like one of the recipes of users but want to change it to your liking?
Easy! No need to retype or copy anything. You can open any recipe for editing and after saving it will move to the category of your recipes.
• filtering recipes by category
• possibility to create and edit your own categories
• list of favorite recipes
• function to search for a recipe by name
• custom display (list or grid)
• various sorting options
• possibility to share a recipe
• adding a photo to a recipe
• ability to edit built-in recipes
• backup and restore application data
• table of weights and measures
• export and import of recipes in CSV format
• share recipe in PDF
• recalculation of ingredients in a recipe
• tables of nutritional value of products
• backup and restore in DropBox
Supported languages: cs, en, ru, uk.
Help with translation:
If you have a recipe that you have long wanted to share with others, send it to us and you will see it in future updates of the application among user recipes.