Pocket Paint APP
Images are saved under Photos and Gallery as well as in the \"Pocket Paint\" folder.
Pocket Paint is developed by the free and open source non-profit Catrobat project --- http://catrobat.org/
- Image format: png with transparency.
- Tools: brush, pipette, stamp, circle/ellipse, cropping, flipping, zooming, line tool, cursor, fill tool, rectangle, image importing, eraser, moving, and rotating.
- Full screen drawing.
- Line width and shape.
- Color palette or RGBa values.
Want to help us translate Pocket Paint into your language? Please contact us via translate@catrobat.org telling us for which language you would be able to help. Even languages not directly supported by Android are welcome, as we are working on a way to switch manually to these languages.
News: http://www.catrobat.org/#news
Social media and newsletter: http://www.catrobat.org/#contact
We are all pro-bono unpaid volunteers working in our free time on this not-for-profit free open source project aiming at increasing computational thinking skills among teens and kids all around the world. Our apps will always remain free of ads and free of costs, so please give us some slack if we cannot solve bugs or add features immediately. On the other hand this allows the project to remain independent of any financing and ensures that it can keep running basically forever, so there is no danger that we will stop working on it. Already more than 300 volunteers have contributed to our project so far.
It would help us a lot when you rate and review us favorably on Google Play, as these ratings and reviews motivate new users to install our apps. Unfortunately, old less favorable ratings due to already solved bugs or previously missing features almost never go away, so it is really difficult to overcome older bad ratings even though these bugs may have long been corrected. So please, help us with good rating and reviews :-)