Whats Web scan - status downloaded - direct chat / whatsdirect easy and fast use

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Mise à jour
20 janv. 2019

App APKs

Clonapp Messenger Pro 2019 APP

Clonapp Messenger Pro 2019

As per the necessity of users this application works in three areas (with next update we are planning to increase number of facilities)

Whatz web

You are at right place if you want to run others whats web account in your mobile phone, all instruction to use this feature in this application are as following :

1. Open whatsweb scanner (our app) and click on whatsweb button, you will see a Qr Code.
2. Now open victim’s whatzweb upper right most corner we have an option named Whats Web open it and scan Qr Code.
3. You will see the magic in whats web scan (our app).
4. Now enjoy messaging and tracking of messages under victim’s mobile phone.

Note : This application do not or inspire anyone to hack whatz app. This is the feature provided officially by Whatz web inc. And victim can any time take control back from it’s mobile itself.

Status Saver

Our Whatscan 2019 app has this important feature to make you able to copy anyone’s recent Whatsweb story. Use of this feature is quite easy.

Direct Chat Or Whats Direct

It is very obvious you have missed this feature in Whatz web chat, Why we can’t send message to a number which is not in our contact list?

But now we are coming with the solution just use our app whats scan to send messages to unsaved mobile number across the world.

You can find our application on google play store easily with following keywords also




Whats scan web

Disclaimer : All the features of this application are developed by us, Feel free to use and share this application this do not affiliate any google play policy and Whats-App Inc. policy.

A big thank to all my users to be with me if any suggestion you can mail us and if you like it don’t forget to rate us and share among your friends and family, Now you can enjoy we will be coming with new updates having new features.
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