The main features are:
- Consultation of information prior to the flight: ROTAER aerodromes (with infotemp), NOTAM, METAR/TAF and information about Sunrise and Sunset.
- Consultation of aeronautical charts - aerodromes/TMA, WACs and route (optionally, other types of visual charts can be consulted);
- Validation control of publications based on the AIRAC cycle.
- Consultation of AIP Brasil, AIP MAP documents and AIP Supplements (with annexes);
- Map with Georeferenced information;
- Possibility of carrying out a flight planning;
- Navigation assistance;
- SIGWX weather charts and SIGMET messages;
- Integration with FPLBR - Flight plan to create a flight plan from a planning;
- Sharing and annotations in aeronautical charts;
- Possibility to create mathematical formulas.
Note: to consult the publications it is necessary to download the cards when starting the application.