Free V-Bucks pass, news, direct, forums, chats, daily store

Latest Version

Feb 27, 2021
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Foronite APP

Battle Pass, Free V-Bucks, Find Companions, Shop, Challenges, Live Streams, News, Forums

🔥 Battle Pass / up to 2,200 FREE V-Bucks per season 🔥
Each Season the 3 users with the most ForoPoins will get 2,200 V-Bucks for the first, 1,200 V-Bucks for the second and 400 V-Bucks for the third. These gifts can be exchanged for skins, battle passes, dances, music or any other item in the daily store.

👉 Shop 🛒
In the store section you can see today's store, yesterday's store, all the objects and those that have not left for the longest time. In all the objects in the store (Skins, Parachutes, Music, Spikes, Dances ...) we can see the time they have not left, last time they were in the store, cost in V-Bucks, season and how to get them. You can also notify when your favorite skin comes out (Skull Soldier / Skull Trooper, Recon Expert / Recon Expert, Galaxy / Galaxy, Black Knight / Black Knight, Renegade Raider / Renegade Raider ...).

👉 News 📰
Foronite news is updated daily, in them you can find: Game leaks, how to complete the weekly challenges, patch notes, exclusive events and tournaments, curiosities and tips on how to improve.

👉 Chat and Forums 💬
It is the easiest way to find partners to play in competitive, duos or squads, send them a private message to contact them. You can also send pictures for your friends to help you with the challenges. Open debates, doubts, questions and news to share with Battle Royale or Save the World players.

👉 Much more 🆕
Foronite presents endless functionalities, such as the random drop on the map (updated map), wallpapers (wallpapers), direct from your favorite Streamers on Twitch, statistics generator (you can see the victories, games played, score ... Both solo, duos or squads).

** Unofficial App for Fortnite Epic Games battle royale **

Download Foronite now and start earning V-Bucks!
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