App of the Amicale des Experts de la MACIF, for the calculation of car flat rates.

Latest Version

Jul 24, 2024

Forfait Auto Amicale MACIF APP

This application, specifically created by and for the automobile experts of the MACIF network who are members of the Amicale des Experts IARD is a decision-making tool during the contradictory agreement.

This allows, via a phone or tablet, to quantify, directly in the field, the different packages used in car repairs, depending on the vehicle, its brand, its model and different scenarios.

(For example air conditioning package: the application indicates a recommended rate within a minimum/maximum range, depending on the type of gas used, the intervention carried out: complete or partial refill).

At the end of the consultation, a summary document in PDF format is available and can be reintegrated into the expert management software.

This "shared" database is supplemented or corrected over time by the users themselves via the dedicated email address.
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