Forcetalks APP
It gives you a chance to explore the latest Salesforce updates, tech blogs, explanatory blogs, tutorial videos, statistical infographics LIVE from the community, all in one place. You’ll find the best Salesforce storytellers from the world at Forcetalks!
Forcetalks is also the most active Salesforce forum in the world where you get answers to all your queries from some of the top Salesforce experts in no time, be it about job inquiries, certifications, courses, training, institutions, technical doubts, events, updates, releases, anything and everything related to Salesforce.
Forcetalks is a Salesforce collaboration platform for coders & developers, admins & architects, consultants & business heads, managers & marketers, and of course the business owners. This grants you the chance of having some of the most productive conversations with top Salesforce minds. A community where you can learn from, where you can contribute to. For you. For Salesforce.