Foot Amateur APP
Find all the results, rankings and calendars of your favorite football teams! All championships and cups are concerned, from beginners to veterans, i.e. 35,000 matches per week.
Football Amateur allows you to:
-Follow all the results and know the official classification at the end of the matches;
-Consult the statistics of your team and its opponents;
- Find all the information and contact details of the clubs: address, president, contact...
Select the club or competition you want to follow. Search by competition, Leagues and Districts:
- National, regional or departmental championship,
- National, regional or departmental cup,
-Mediterranean League, Brittany, Paris…
-Essonne District, Val de Marne, Yvelines, Loire, Lyon, Savoy…
Also find on the application all the football news of your favorite teams:
-Receive alerts to notify you of the next matches of the teams you follow and their latest results;