The Road To Zero Waste

Latest Version

May 31, 2023
Google Play ID

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FoodBag ForBusiness APP

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Every day fresh food is rejected by bakeries, cafes, restaurants and hotels, pastry shops, supermarkets, etc. just because it has not been sold in time!

FoodBag is the most innovative application in Greece that brings the solution to the above problem!

Food businesses, or FoodHeroes, will now be able to predict surplus food, before the end of business hours, and through the app make food bags available at a lower price to the public.

How does it work;

Predict the daily amount of food that will not be sold before the end of business hours.
Register one or more bags of food daily in the “FoodBag Business” app
Check out! Enter the "magic" code when the customer comes to collect from the store!


No one loses in this app!

Win 1 -Foodheroes / food stores
FoodHeroes, or food businesses, that join FoodBag's effort for a better and cleaner environment, have multiple benefits:
Profit from food that would be discarded at the end of the day because it was not sold.
Promotion of the products to a new consumer audience.
Contribution to the movement against food waste.
Indirect advertising through Foodbag.
Highlighting the environmental awareness of each company (CSR).
New product codes that would otherwise be risky to try (from a food surplus point of view)
Win 2 - FoodBaggers / Consumers
Awareness of the problem and motivation of consumers to act against Food Waste. 60% discount[a] on food products.
Win 3- Environment
Reducing the volume of landfills, methane emissions and combating climate change.
Win 4- National Economy
Eliminating food crisis - saving energy and raw materials.

Don't waste time, take action and start selling the day's surplus food.
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