Flying Puppy Adventure GAME
How long can you last playing this game?
You’re rewarded for your scores.
Play as Flying Puppy as you jump across some stunning 2D environments.
Let it fall or jump in order to dodge challenging obstacles like pipes and villain birds as you collect bones in this endless jumping game.
Flying Puppy Adventure…
Yes new, but yet very promising, tested and approved by a group of more than hundreds of students, so be the first here to discover this top tier game, trust us, you don’t want to miss out.
A world of fantasies, use the gift boxes bestowed to hop in spaceship that will allow the puppy to dodge obstacles better and fly faster.
Just like the spaceship, the rockets will propel the puppy further, and will make it invisible to the villain birds.
Amazing abilities
Utilize Flying Puppy’s fire balls to strike the birds and make them go away from your path.
Multiple characters
You get to select from a set of puppies, with different abilities. Choose your favorite. Use the bones collected to buy your lucky charm.
Stunning environments
Use the bones you have collected to unlock more stunning environments.
Coming soon
Our team is working very hard to bring you future free updates. Stay tuned.
C XoXo game. All rights reserved. Flying Puppy Adventure is a property of XoXo game.