Main features available on the App:
- Work planner: plan your week of work in advance and share where you will be working from: the office, home, a coworking space or anywhere else. Also share your days off: sick leave, public holiday or annual leave.
- Live check-in: track and share voluntarily when and where you work and find out who is working at your favorite spots or around you
- Shared office booking: book a desk, meeting room or office space from your own team office location managed by your office administrator.
- Extra office on-demand: Find on-demand meeting rooms or desks from our global network of flexible workspaces with partners like WeWork, The Executive Center, TheHive and more.
- Work analytics: Analyze your personal & your team working habits with working hours, start & end time and more data to improve your work performance from anywhere.
FLYDESK’s tech platform reduces office costs by 30% on average and enhances remote teams’ productivity & transparency on working habits. Like no other provider, FLYDESK provides a solution for both flex teams & flex offices from a single App.