FluenteMente APP
The focus is on internalizing and automating the recognition of basic elements. The application does not work with the most significant musical perception (dictation or solfeggio, for example), but organizes a way to develop and solidify the elementary fundamentals so that the student can develop his musical perception more easily.
Resources so far:
1 - Texts on basic music theory and self-regulation of learning, with review questions
2 - Practice of fluency in solving theoretical exercises involving notation, intervals, scales, chords and harmonic analysis
3 - Practice of hearing discrimination of basic elements, such as intervals, types and inversions of triads and tetrads
4 - Practice of recognizing harmonic progressions from three to seven chords, involving analysis with Roman numerals and scalar soprano and bass degrees
5 - Review of all previous attempts
This application is only in Portuguese (Brazil)
This app is only in Portuguese (Brazil)!
Icons and graphic resources by Smashicons, Freepik, Vectors Market and Surang at www.flaticon.com
Vector icons and drawables by Smashicons, Freepik, Vectors Market and Surang at www.flaticon.com