Book cheap flights within a date range.

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May 21, 2023
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FlightList — Cheap Flights APP

Find cheap flights to anywhere in the world. Search by date range to discover cheaper dates, and by city, country or region to uncover more affordable routes you didn't know existed. Made for digital nomads, remote workers, backpackers and flexible travelers.

With our simple bottom-up approach — FlightList helps you find cheap dates and routes to book cheap flights to any destination in the world. Here's a few search tips to find the best deals.

Search by date range:
If you're flexible with your departure dates — search for flights in the next 7, 30, 60 days or enter a custom date range. This will show you the cheapest dates first and then you can filter according to your preferences.

Search by city, country or region to discover cheaper routes:
Paris (all airports) → Italy (all cities and airports)
France (all cities and airports) → Italy (all cities and airports)
Europe (all cities and airports) → South East Asia (all cities and airports)

FlightList is a niche flight search engine and flight ticket booking app, launched in 2018 in response to the founder’s personal frustration with traditional flight booking apps. With its simple and minimal interface and list-style search results, FlightList is increasingly becoming a popular choice for flexible travelers looking for cheap flights. The company is headquartered in Montreal, Canada with a remote office in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

“FlightList was a response to a personal frustration while traveling from the Netherlands to Ukraine in 2017. I wasn’t in a hurry to leave; I had two tabs open on my browser and kept switching between Google Flights and Skyscanner and picking different dates. After an hour I finally booked a flight. If I had FlightList at the time, I would’ve discovered flights leaving from Eindhoven were 50% cheaper than Amsterdam and would’ve taken me less than a minute to find.” said Hans Desjarlais, founder of FlightList. “I knew if I solved this problem for myself, I’d solve it for fellow travelers who have similar frustrations with traditional flight booking apps.”

For support questions, comments or suggestions for finding cheap flights, email our team, visit the website or message via Whatsapp +1 514 883 0132.
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