Vytautas the Great War Museum's educational game Flight Over the Atlantic is used to introduce a great deed performed by two brave pilots, Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas, in 1933 -- the flight over The Atlantic Ocean in a plane called Lituanica. The pilots flew from New York to Kaunas and had a noble goal -- to bring fame to Lithuania. And they've accomplished it! The message about Lithuania and two Lithuanian pilots spread over the whole world and the flight was considered to be one of the most accurate at the time. By the distance flown - 6411 kilometers - it was the second furthest flight in the world, by flight time - it was fourth at 37 hours and 11 minutes. This flight marked another event in history of aviation, because it was the first time air mail was delivered from North America to Lithuania. Sadly, with 650 kilometers remaining until Kaunas, in Soldin, Germany (now around Mysliborz, Poland in a forest of the village of Pszczelnik) a catastrophe occured, owing to bad weather conditions and engine failure, in which the plane crashed and both the pilots were killed. Despite this, their memory is alive in various places in Lithuania and the wreckage of the original plane and other relics of the flight can be seen in The Vytautas The Great War Musem in Kaunas.
This interactive educational game invites you to get to know the history of the Lituanica flight right from your home. Together with the pilots you'll be able to try out the Bellanca Pacemaker CH-300 plane and perform arial tricks, upgrade it for the sum of $3250 and name it Lituanica. You'll prepare for the flight, pack your bags, take flight, navigate with a compass and be a part of interesting conversations between the pilots. Additionally, with the help of AR and a Lituanica badge, from Vytautas The Great War Museum, you can bring a small model of Lituanica to life.