Flight Finder APP
Allows you to perform various searches such as:
1 - Report all flights from a specific airport, which you can view as if you were looking at the airport's own panel.
2 - Report all flights from one airport to another.
3 - Inform the status of a specific flight.
4 - Show on the map all the flights in the world that are currently flying, when you click on the plane, you can see flight details.
In all searches you can see the flight status (landed, en route, scheduled, canceled or even unknown), and if the plane is flying, you can see on the map where it is, at what altitude and at what speed .
When the flight is scheduled, you can ask to be notified when the plane takes off, and if it is already en route, you can ask to be notified when the flight lands.
Flight data is provided by https://aviation-edge.com.
The system depends on consultation with literally thousands of companies that manage airports, some are efficient in informing the status of each flight, others take a while to inform, so sometimes the information can take a little longer.
If you have questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to assist you.
If you want to advertise your company on the app, or even provide information about ticket sales, hotels, etc., contact us.