Flex2Go APP
In this app, the following items:
• read and send messages: it is also possible to leave a message or listen to besides typing a message. Receive automatic notifications when a new message is present.
• Job Search: Search for jobs in your area and this apply or share via social media.
• Edit Profile: quickly upload a new profile picture or change your password.
• View Intercedent: see you soon intermediary and send an e-mail or call standoff.
• View Schedule: The scheduled jobs, they see map and get driving directions. It is also possible to export schedule to your calendar.
• Hours Bills: check time sheets, fill them in or approve! Do you claims, you can take a picture of a receipt and upload it directly.
• Clock: set the clock as soon as you start working and stop when you're done, a quick way to fill your hours!
• Availability: view and edit your own availability.
• payslips. View quickly and easily find your payslip and see what you've earned this week. Receive automatic notifications when a new payslip is available.