Flash Ticket TAO APP
Buy your tickets, renew your subscriptions and validate from your Smartphone!
For more simplicity, a single account to manage tickets and subscriptions for your tribe!
With this app, you can buy all tickets or subscriptions of the Tao price range:
- ticket 1 trip, 2 trips, 10 trips ...
- MONTH or YEAR subscription ...
To buy your titles, the choice is yours
-In advance
-or at the last minute
By creating your customer account, your data will be available in the application and saved for your future purchases, including for your tribe.
Your tickets will be available on your smartphone in the Flash ticket app.
To validate, it's simple!
Choose your ticket in the app, validate by scanning the QR code present in the bus or tram (or enter the number of the bus or tram you are boarding).
Have a good trip on our lines.