Flamingo Animator APP
Draw bones over your pictures to create a skeleton model. Create videos and gifs and share them with your friends.
Also you can add a signature to your gif and make bright and original emoji and stickers for sharing in messangers and social networks like Telegram, Facebook and others.
Features of drawing editor:
* Multiple drawing and editing tools like brush, eraser, brush with filling, bucket fill, eyedropper - with different settings like size, color and transparency.
* Layers support - use layers menu to add, swap, merge and duplicate layers for advanced drawing.
* Stylus support - enable pressure in brush settings and use stylus button for fast switching to eraser. Works good with samsung pencil.
* Ability to create an empty canvas or import image from gallery to crop or trace it.
Features of animation editor:
* Create a skeletal tree of your model and setup an initial pose.
* Combine several images to swap them during animation.
* Disable a subtree to hide some parts of your model.
* Squash and stretch your images with scaling mode of animation.
Features of export:
* Create videos and gifs in different quality.
* Change background color and signature of your gif.
* Save your models as "flampack" files to move the project to another device or to edit your animation together with friends.