A collection of fun and quirky first player rules from real board games.

Latest Version

Feb 5, 2025
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First Player APP

The most useless (and most often ignored) rule of any board game is usually the first player rule. But useless does not necessarily mean boring. These rules can be quite quirky and fun!

The problem is that they tend to be fixed, often letting the same player go first every time the game is played. And let's be honest, even the funniest rule gets stale rather quickly…

So, what if you could use a new rule every time you played? This app contains more than 500 different "first player" rules, collected from various board games for you to search through. Or get a random rule to use for your board game session by the press of a button.

And if you're interested in the game the rule came from there is of course a link back to the game's page on BoardGameGeek.com where you can find more information.
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