Firefly for Students APP
Simply log in using your school code (your teacher can give you this!) and see your complete timetable, including which teacher you have and where each lesson is. Your teachers can send you homework or other tasks, which will be sorted so you’ll always be on top of what you need to do. If you like, you can add your own tasks and link them to a specific class, creating a personal to do list.
Firefly for Students lets you:
- Access your timetable, anywhere
- Stay on top of homework
- Keep a personal, organised to do list
- Respond to homework by sending files, photos, video and audio
- Get notified instantly when your teachers set homework
- Use Firefly on an app or desktop, as they both stay up to date
Log in just once and you’re set to go.
This app requires Firefly 6, please check with your school if they are using this version.
Looking for the Firefly 5 app? Download the Firefly Student Planner app.
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