Fire Exchange by °F313 APP
Create Your Profile
Your own online profile where you can personalize your account, follow fellow sneaker lovers, add inventory to sell/trade, and more.
Earn Badges + Rewards
Earn badges and rewards that can be redeemed online or in store at Fahrenheit 313. Badges are a huge way to differentiate yourself in the community and there will be new badges to earn each week. Badges include Verified Seller, Sneakerhead, OG, Hypebeast, Plugged In, and more.
Sneaker News
Up-tp-date sneaker news including new release details, restock alerts, new collaboration announcements, and more.
Release Dates + Details
Your new reliable sneaker release calendar, tracking all of the hottest releases and updates all in one place.
Join a community of like minded sneaker lovers ranging from a Marketplace to generate leads to Buy and Sell, to The Trading Block where you can trade new or pre-owned sneakers. For the resellers, there are also groups dedicated sharing information that can help with copping new releases for less.
Trending Topics
A new online sneaker forum where members discuss trending topics in sneaker news. This chatroom is designed to be thought provoking and entertaining as topics are relevant, and constantly updated to stimulate conversation.
Following the launch °F313 will continuously push updates to the app to expand on the community.